Recruitment of Administrative Officers in UIIC for Btech Be Students
Name of the post: Administrative Officer Scale I
Name of the company: UIIC: United India Insurance Co. Ltd
Last date for Receipt of application : 19th April 2010
Date of written examination : 6th June 2010
Age Limit: 21-30 Yrs
Pay Scale: Rs.20000
About the company: UI is a leading General Insurance Company with more than 30 year experience in Non Life Insurance Business and having its head quarters at chennai. The company ‘s mission is to provide
- To provide Insurance protection to all.
- To ensure customer satisfaction
- To function on sound business principles
- To help minimise national waste and to help develop the Indian economy.
Job details:
Group : B
Code No.02
Branch eligible: Automobile Engineering
Graduate in Engineering (B.E.,/B.Tech) in the discipline of Automobile Engineering from University recognized by AICTE.
Number of posts(vacancies): 200 (SC-29, ST-12, OBC-58, UR-101)
Application Fee: The candidates should purchase attached with the application form, a Crossed Bank Draft of Rs.500 (valid for six months) payable at Chennai from any branch of the Nationalized or Scheduled Bank drawn in favor of ‘United India Insurance Company Limited’ payable at Chennai. Candidates should write his/her name and address, Group and Code No., Center Code on the reverse of the Demand Draft.
No examination fee is required for
- SC/ST candidates.
- Persons with Disabilities and
- Confirmed employees of United India Insurance Company Limited, applying for the post.
Examination centres With Centre Codes:
How to apply
Applications should be on A4 paper neatly typed or handwritten in Capital Letters and in the prescribed format only. Applications submitted in any other format will not be accepted. Superscribe at left hand upper corner of the envelope “UIIC – Administrative Officer Post (indicate the Group Code for which application is made), Center Code and SC/ST/OBC/ECO or SSRCO/Physically Handicapped (wherever applicable). Attach (i) Crossed Bank draft for Rs. 500/- towards application fee (ii) Selfaddressed envelope of 23 cms x 12 cms ie., 19 ½” x 5″ size with Rs.6 postage stamp affixed. Address on the self-addressed envelope should be neatly typed or handwritten in Capital Letters. Applications complete in all respects together with enclosures as mentioned above must reach by ordinary post on or before 19th April 2010 at the following address: “Post Bag No.2281, Chanakyapuri Post Office, New Delhi 110 021.
To see more details and to download Application form Click here

Technorati Tags: UIIC recrutiment, Administrative officer UIIC, Btech, Automobile engineering